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New Year, New Wines

We would like to take time on this last day of the year to thank all of our family, friends and fellow wine lovers for a fantastic 2013. We are looking forward to all the fabulousness 2014 has in store. The past few months have been very busy ones. We were not able to post as much as we would have liked, but for good reasons. The New Year will bring about some changes and exciting things. For these reasons we have decided to cut down on our wine reviews. Of course, this in no way means we are cutting down on our wine consumption. 😉 Instead, we invite you to join us on this little app that we’ve grown to really love over the past couple of months. Several of you have already connected with us on there. If you haven’t given it a try, we highly recommend it…

Vivino makes it so easy to rate and keep track of your wines, even adding your own tasting notes. What’s better…you get to connect with other wine lovers. It costs nothing to join. Let us just mention here that Vivino has in no way asked us to give them a plug. This is our very own special shot out to them for making our love of wine that much easier and fun to organize and share. Hope to see you there!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, successful and fabulous New Year….Cheers! *clink*

Wine with us...